2008年11月28日 星期五

English Novel Presation

Today our team prepare the presentation of a novel "shawshank redenption". Althought i did not do it well (i think) but i enjoy the process . It mostly like i was back to school , team member become my classmate , and we work together just for a reporter of calss of next day . After the disscuss and modification , we went to the bull hot pot store nearby , enjoy a good festival . Like i was a student again.

2008年11月8日 星期六

Plan for the final repretation

After discuss with Mega , suggest that we can introduce the Novel in four parts:
1. Andy in the court
2.Help Guard leader in the Jail roof
3.Play Mozart music for the jail mates
4.Dig the hole for his freedom

Drama brief :
1947年,年輕有為的大銀行副總裁安迪因涉嫌槍殺妻子和與之偷情的高爾夫球教練被判處兩個無期徒刑,他將在肖申克監獄走完他的余生。 1927年因謀殺罪被判無期徒刑的瑞德被喻作“肖申克的流動商店”,他可以弄到你想要的任何東西:香煙、糖果、威士忌甚至大麻,只要你付得起錢。每當有新囚報到的時候,瑞德都會和大家像賭馬一樣在自己認為第一夜會哭泣的人身上押下賭注。這次瑞德押了安迪,因此他輸掉了兩包香煙,而那個痛哭失聲央求出去的可憐鬼則被警衛隊長赫德利的亂棒送上了西天。 剛剛入獄的安迪不斷受到同性戀“姐妹幫”的鮑格斯的騷擾,每天除了在洗衣房干活就是和鮑格斯一伙抗爭。很長時間以來安迪不和任何人說話,放風的時候他會像在花園裡散步一樣悠閒自得的走來走去。一個月後,安迪在瑞德的面前開了口,不久,安迪從瑞德手中拿到了10美元買來的巖石錘,他告訴瑞德用來雕刻國際象棋以消磨時間。很快,兩人成了朋友。 1949年的春天是安迪監獄生涯的轉折。監獄要抽調10名志願者去給工廠的樓頂刷瀝青,神通廣大的瑞德再次讓自己的朋友得到了實惠,當然也包擴安迪。赫德利向同事抱怨哥哥的遺產稅太高,機靈的安迪終於在被赫德利推下樓之前讓他相信自己能幫助他合法逃脫大筆的稅金,而條件是給他的伙伴每人3瓶啤酒。於是,肖申克從未有過的一幕出現了,在溫暖的春光下,10名囚犯斜倚在樓頂,神輕氣爽的喝著冰鎮的虎牌啤酒,而安迪,卻在角落裡微笑。 不久,安迪又從瑞德那裡弄到了麗塔·海華絲的巨幅海報貼到牆上。在一次同鮑格斯的糾纏中,安迪被打得半死。作為回報,一向殘暴的赫德利將鮑格斯打成了植物人。 安迪精通財稅制度的特長使他逐漸擺脫了繁重的體力勞動,經過典獄長諾頓的考查,安迪被派到監獄圖書館,開始為所有的獄警提供財務指導,從報稅單到申請養老金計劃,面面俱到。而最重要的是,他還是諾頓的洗錢工具。 與此同時,安迪每周都給州議會寫信,要求申請一筆用於監獄圖書館建設的經費。終於州議會忍受不了雪片一樣安迪的來信,撥給監獄200美元和一些捐贈的圖書和物品。安迪在捐贈的物品中無意間發現了一張唱片,稱守衛不備,用擴音器將久違的天籟之音放給肖申克的所有獄友收聽,對《費加羅的婚禮》片刻的心馳神往換來的是安迪兩周的禁閉。 已經入獄30載的瑞德再次被假釋委員會拒之門內,而此時安迪也已在肖申克呆了整整10個年頭,夢露的巨幅海報是瑞德送給他的10周年禮物。 安迪仍在契而不捨的給州議會寫信,這次是每周兩封。1959年,州議會答應每年給肖申克監獄圖書館撥款500美元,很快,肖申克的圖書館被改造成最好的監獄圖書館。 一個年輕囚犯湯米的到來打破了安迪平靜的獄中生活,他知道誰是殺害安迪妻子和情夫的真正凶手。當安迪滿懷希望的向典獄長提出重新審理案件的請求時,卻遭到斷然拒絕並受到禁閉兩個月的懲罰,唯一的知情人湯米也被典獄長陷害致死。 絕望的安迪變得消沉,一天他向瑞德提起了墨西哥的小島日哈塔尼奧,他說他要去開家小旅館,買幾只破船,他需要一個無所不能的人作他的幫手,他要瑞德出獄後一定要去巴克斯頓牧場,那是他向妻子求婚的地方,在那棵大橡樹下埋著一只鐵盒,瑞德會從裡面得知真相。 當天夜裡雷雨交加,安迪緩緩爬過海報後面將近20年用巖石錘鑿出的隧道,帶著典獄長諾頓被洗乾淨的37萬美元,朝著希望奔去……

Heart Sutra 心經

Heart Sutra
When the holy Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara had truly grasped the transcendent wisdom, he realized that visible form is only illusion. The same applies to its perception, to its names and categories, to discriminative intellect and finally even to our consciousness. They are all illusion. With this realizaton he was beyond all sorrow and bitterness.
Disciple Sariputra! The material is not different from the immaterial. The immaterial and the material are in fact one and the same thing. The same applies to perception, concepts, discriminative thinking and consciousness. They are neither existing nor not existing.
Sariputra! All things therefore they are in themselves not good and not bad, they are not increasing and not decreasing.
Therefore one may say there are no such things as form, perception, concepts, thinking process, and consciousness. Our senses such as eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind are misleading us to illusion; thus one may also say there is no reality in visible form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mindknowledge. There are also no such things as the realms of sense from sight up to mind, and no such things as the links of existence from ignorance and its end to old age and death and their end. Also the Four Noble Truths* are nonexistent, just as there is no such thing as wisdom and also no gain.
Because the holy Bodhisattva who relies on transcendent wisdom knows that there is no gain, he has no worries and also no fear. Beyond all illusion he has reached the space of highest Nirvana.
All Buddhas of the past, present and future, found highest perfect knowedge because they relied on transcendental wisdom.
Therefore we ought to know that the great verse of the transcendent wisdom is unsurpassed in its splendor, and that it appeases truly all pain**. It reads:
(Go, do it, make the step, you all must break through to the Absolute, then you will be immediately enlightened.)
* Four Noble Truths: Life means suffering; The origin of suffering is attachment; The cessation of suffering is attainable; The path to the cessation of suffering. ** pain: The more appropriate word may be "suffering".

觀自在菩薩‧行深般若波羅蜜多時‧照見五蘊皆空‧度一切苦厄‧舍利子‧色不異空‧空不異色‧ 色即是空‧空即是色‧受想行識亦復如是‧舍利子‧是諸法空相‧不生不滅‧不垢不淨‧不增不減 ‧是故空中‧無色‧無受想行識‧無眼耳鼻舌身意‧無色聲香味觸法‧無眼界乃至無意識界‧無無明‧亦無無明盡‧乃至無老死‧亦無老死盡‧無苦集滅道‧無智亦無得‧以無所得故‧菩提薩埵‧依般若波羅蜜多故‧心無罣礙‧無罣礙故‧無有恐怖‧遠離顛倒夢想‧究竟涅盤‧三世諸佛‧依般若波羅蜜多故‧得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提‧故知般若波羅蜜多‧是大神咒‧是大明咒‧是無上咒‧是無等等咒‧能除一切苦‧真實不虛‧故說般若波羅蜜多咒‧即說咒曰‧揭諦‧揭諦‧波羅揭諦‧波羅僧揭諦‧菩提薩婆訶‧

Exercise keep you warm

This article was from Apple Newspaper , it introduce four easy exercise that can accerlate your blood circulation and then you will feel warmer and more comfortable in the cold weather (especilly in the morning and the night).